Caring for a Senior Dog: Recognizing and Overcoming Caregiver Burnout

Sharing our lives with a senior dog not only brings so much love and companionship, it can also bring stress and anxiety. As they get older and their health starts to decline, caring for them is more challenging. We worry more, our lives revolve around the increased attention they require, and not surprisingly we start to burn out.

What is Caregiver Burnout?

The Cleveland Clinic describes caregiver burnout as “a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion that happens while you’re taking care of someone else.”

The “someone else” they refer to has 2 legs, but the effects of burnout are the same for those caring for beings with 4 legs too!

When the demands of caring become too great, it can lead to a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. If the caregiver is also caring for a human in the home, or dealing with their own challenging health issues, the effects can be much greater.

Signs of Caregiver Burnout

Recognizing signs early, means dealing with them before they become too overwhelming. Some common signs include:

Physical exhaustion – Constant fatigue, having trouble sleeping, or experiencing frequent headaches.

Emotional strain – Increased feelings of frustration, sadness, or helplessness.

Irritability – Becoming short-tempered or easily frustrated with your pet or others. That includes sometimes yelling at them.

Neglecting self-care – Skipping meals, not exercising, or ignoring personal hygiene.

Loss of joy – No longer feeling the same happiness or fulfillment in caring for your senior dog.

How to Overcome Caregiver Burnout

Keep reading because you will find concrete examples of what you can do to not only cope with, but minimise the stress you’re experiencing.

  1. Prioritize Self-Care

As soon as you recognize signs of burnout, please stop reading and at least go for a walk around the block (assuming you can safely leave your dog).

Convincing yourself you can handle it, may lead to you getting into such a state you literally don’t know how to climb out of it. Keep in mind, it will also affect the quality of care you’re able to give your senior pup, and I know that’s the last thing you want to happen.

Eat nutritious meals, get enough sleep and incorporate relaxing activities into your day such as listening to a guided meditation, catching up with a friend or take a walk around the block.

When I was experiencing burnout (at the time I didn’t know that’s what I was dealing with), I found it helpful to have some time alone, to remove myself from the situation. Whether it was going into another room, a 5 minute guided meditation or a walk along the beach if my husband was around to watch my dog. Believe me, it worked wonders.

  1. Seek Support

I know very well how isolating caring for a senior dog can be, but you’re not alone. This is one of the main reasons I started my FB group, Senior Dog Care Club. I figured if I was feeling so alone, others must be too. Hire a pet sitter to hang out with your dog for an hour (or several!), and go enjoy yourself.

  1. Set Realistic Expectations

It’s easy to put immense pressure on yourself to be the perfect caregiver. Remember, you’re doing the best you can, and it’s okay to seek help or take breaks when needed. It doesn’t mean you love your dog any less, it just means you love yourself too!

  1. Establish a Routine

Having a structured daily routine is always a good idea for dogs of any age. It’s less stressful for everyone when there are designated times for feeding, medication, walks, and playtime.

  1. Take Advantage of Available Resources

There are many resources available to help support senior dog caregivers, including veterinary professionals, pet support groups, online forums and of course my FB group I mentioned above. Educate yourself on ways to make caregiving easier such as using mobility aids, dog ramps, and senior-friendly supplements.

At the bottom of this article is a resources section with links to a few articles. My website Grey Paws and All has many more, so please make some time and have a look.  

Final Thoughts

Caring for a senior dog is beautiful and rewarding but can be stressful, as you and I both know. Neglecting ourselves to the point of feeling like we can’t handle one more second is not the way. Our health and happiness matters, and when we take care of ourselves, we show up strong and ready to give them the best we have to offer. It also means we get to cherish every moment together. 🐶💙


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Aging Pet Support

I am a Senior Dog Care Consultant, helping senior dog parents struggling with anticipatory grief, quality of life and health & wellness issues. I offer practical tips, advice and one on one support. I am also a Certified Pet Loss Bereavement Specialist, helping you navigate through your pet loss journey.

Click this link to book a FREE 20 minute discovery call, visit my services page to find out more or email if you have any questions.

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