Is This Vet Right for My Senior Dog? Ask Yourself These 13 Qs First!

Whether you want a veterinary hospital with the most advanced diagnostic equipment known to man, or are happy with the small one person clinic with the basics, choosing the right vet is important, and not easy.

I’ve been through this “selection process” more times than I can remember. Sometimes I got it right, sometimes I got it wrong with deadly consequences (yes, I mean that literally!).

I need to make a very important point before we get started. While I believe recommendations are a great way to find your next amazing vet, before you sign your senior dog up, please think about who’s making the recommendation.

Is it someone with a puppy who only goes once a year for shots? Is it someone who goes only when they see a need, and aren’t bothered if it’s the same vet every time? These types of dog parents do not have the same needs as you do. Any vet can give a dog a vaccine, but not every vet is a great clinician. You need a great clinician.

One of the vets I went to see was based on a neighbor’s recommendation. That vet was responsible for the death of my dog Saffy. I was new to the area and assumed because she had a dog, I could trust her suggestion. Obviously I don’t hold her in any way responsible, I just wish I realised how important it was to know the source.

I’ve had an amazing vet for the past several years, and I actually found him through a vet I had gone to before I moved to a new city.

Note: While even the most thorough research is not a guarantee, I do believe the information below will help increase your chances.

13 Questions to ask Yourself as You Search for the Best Vet for Your Pet

1) Is an outward show of compassion important, or does the no nonsense approach suit you just fine? What I mean is, are you okay with your vet communicating in a very blunt matter of fact manner, or do you need a softer approach? I certainly need the latter.

2) Would you move heaven and earth and spend as much as it takes, to cure your pet, or are heroic measures not your style? How much input do you want or expect from your vet, when it comes to discussing quality of life for example. Some vets will respect your wishes, others don’t have a problem exerting pressure to keep going.

3) Do you like to ask questions? It’s your dog, and you have every right to ask as many questions as you need to. The thing is, not everyone likes to be questioned! I know my vet is the expert and I trust him completely, but I still want to understand what’s going on.

4) Do you prefer a small clinic or a hospital with all the latest high tech equipment? There are advantages to going to a fully equipped clinic where everything can be done in house, no traveling potential distances for a specialist. Having said that, does that mean every treatment at the hospital will be more expensive?

5) Do you have a preference for dealing with men or women? There’s nothing wrong if you do, but don’t outright dismiss a potentially fantastic vet because of it.

6) Is a 5 minute drive as far as you can go, or are you willing to travel to find someone you click with? When we spent a few months in Spain, I was so excited to finally find a holistic vet who was amazing! It was a 50 minute drive, and acupuncture treatment meant making that trek 2-3 times a week but it was worth it.

7) Is building a relationship with the vet and office staff important, or are you happy to keep things distant and professional? I like it when the staff know me and greet me, we have a nice chat and I like the same interaction with my vet. Lots of people I know couldn’t care less about that.  

8) Aside from emergencies and things beyond your control, what days/times would you most likely be scheduling your visits? Make sure their office hours are convenient. If not, what’s the likelihood of being able to take time off work?

9) In a multi vet office, are you willing to see whomever is available, or do you prefer to see the same vet every time? Since I adopt and foster old dogs with health issues, I am a firm believer in continuity of care. If you’re like me, find out how many days a week the vet works, is he available on days when he’s out of the office and how much vacation does he take. Check out the other vets in the practice, as it’s possible another vet may be a suitable stand in.

10) It’s no secret that vet bills can often put us in the poor house. Some practices allow clients to spread out their payments. Is this an issue for you? It’s harder and harder to find a practice that isn’t owned by some big company, which means most of their policies and procedures are set by a corporation. The vet may want to help but aren’t allowed to.

11) Do you need a practice with boarding facilities? I understand the appeal of leaving your dog with someone experienced should something happen. Here are some questions to ask:

Can you have a tour of the facilities 

How often are the dogs walked

Are they stuck in a cage most of the day     

Is there a staff member overnight or are the animals left alone (as is often the case)

12) Many people are now trying the holistic approach to pet care. Do you prefer a vet that practices alternative medicine, or at least has some knowledge of it? In an ideal world I would love to have a holistic vet, but unfortunately there isn’t one around me. My vet is open to talking about natural options, and will make a recommendation for a natural product if he’s familiar with it but that’s about it.

13) What is the attitude of the practice and vets about senior dogs. Sadly, many vets don’t see a lot of value in them. I find it shocking that I needed to add this, but because of an experience I had and hearing from others, it’s a problem that exists. I shouldn’t think it’s widespread, but concerning enough to mention.

I’ve read too many accounts from senior dog parents in my FB group of being dismissed by their vet when they had a concern, and even being told “it’s old age” without any testing being done. My experience happened when my heart dog Red needed fluids but my amazing vet wasn’t there. I didn’t think it was a big deal because anyone can hook up fluids. After they got her set up that vet called me into one of the rooms and I found a nurse already there. He started talking about how much medication Red was on and the health issues she was dealing with. It was obvious he was suggesting I may want to let her go.

Let me start by saying, I am not a believer in heroic measures, nor have I ever let a senior dog linger because I couldn’t make that phone call. I never would have kept Red with me because it would have broken my heart to let her go. Of course it would have, but I knew for a fact she was fine and doing well. She saw her vet very regularly and we both always kept an eye on her quality of life.

I glared at him and threatened to call the police if he didn’t hand over Red in that moment. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! I took her from there straight to a practice in a city I used to live in and had her treated there. When my vet came back I told him what happened. Absolutely shocking….so be careful!!

Now that you’ve had time to read over these questions and perhaps even answer some of them, how do you go about looking for vets to consider.

The Next Step…Finding a Vet

As with most things, we turn to people we know for recommendations. Ask other pet parents who they use, what they like and don’t like. Just remember, highly recommended does not guarantee you will like them, or they will be competent.

When you’ve narrowed down your list, ask if you can schedule a short visit to see the practice, and meet the vet. Many will agree, and should do it at no cost. If they charge, I wouldn’t bother, no matter how highly recommended they may come.

Don’t be shy to have a look around, take note of how the staff at the front desk speak to clients, and ask clients in the waiting room if they’re satisfied.

It won’t hurt to ask for a few prices for the more common procedures, and compare. Sometimes there’s a big difference, and that could be the deciding factor.

The person you choose will be helping you care for a beloved family member. It is your right to ask as many questions as you like, and to be treated with respect. If they can’t handle that, there are plenty out there to choose from.

When I first moved to a new country, I was in a big chain pet supply store buying food and I noticed a vet clinic. The first couple of times I went there I just observed, but the next time I got brave and spoke to the women at the front desk. I explained I had just moved, was looking for a vet for my cats and is there someone at the practice they could recommend. Everyone gave me the same name, and he turned out to be one of the nicest and kindest vets I’ve ever met…and yes he took great care of my animals.

Note: I understand many of you may live in a small town where options are limited, and the next practice is many miles away. If you aren’t happy with local vet, I wonder if it’s possible to develop a relationship with another vet virtually. You can send them test results, discuss what your vet has been suggesting and get a second opinion.  

Final Thoughts

Are you happy with your current vet? How did you find him or her? What criteria did you use, or were they the only one in town accepting new patients? Your experience can help others so please share below.


Aging Pet Support

I am a Senior Dog Care Consultant, helping senior dog parents struggling with anticipatory grief, quality of life and health & wellness issues. I offer practical tips, advice and one on one support. I am also a Certified Pet Loss Bereavement Specialist, helping you navigate through your pet loss journey.

Click this link to book a FREE 20 minute discovery call, visit my services page to find out more or email if you have any questions.

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