1:1 Senior Dog Care Support Service

Hi, I’m Hindy Pearson and I’d like to introduce you to my Senior Dog Care Support Service.

Whether you’ve spent your dog’s whole life together, or recently welcomed a 7+ year old into your heart and home, caring for an older dog is great for the soul but can have its’ challenges. I foster and adopt old dogs, so I know what it’s like.

I very quickly discovered the lack of support available, and even understanding from those around me.  I realized if I was feeling this way and I was fairly experienced, how must so many other senior dog parents be feeling? Of course we have our vets and I definitely rely on mine, but sadly not all of them see older dogs as valuable, or dismiss our concerns. Unfortunately, I speak from experience.

This is what led me to create my FB group Senior Dog Care Club over six years ago, and my 1:1 Senior Dog Care Support Service more recently.

While groups are fantastic places for like-minded people to gather and support each other, it isn’t always enough. Sometimes you need a one-on-one chat and that’s what I offer. I help with everything from health & wellness advice and training tips, to preparing to say goodbye and grief counselling.

What makes me qualified? Well…

I’ve been sharing my life with senior dogs since 2009

I enjoy take courses on a variety of topics:

  • Building Your Dog’s Confidence
  • Senior Dog Enrichment Plans
  • Understanding Canine Anxiety
  • Treatment & Prevention of Dog Aggression
  • Care of the Senior Pet
  • Simple Solutions for Common Dog Behavior and Training Problems

I am a:

  • Certified Dog Trainer
  • Pet Bereavement Counsellor
  • Certified Pet Loss Grief Support Coach


All sessions are conducted via Zoom; 30 minutes – $25, 60 minutes – $45 

FREE 15 Minute Phone Consultation

This is a no obligation opportunity for us to get to know each other, at least a little bit! Tell me about your concerns, what behaviors or issues you’re dealing with, how you’re coping and I’ll explain how I can help.


Senior Dog Care and Support

Whether you’ve shared your life with senior dogs for years or it’s your first time, I’m here to help you navigate any challenges you may encounter as you care for a dog 7+.

I provide specialized senior dog care and support that includes:

General advice and tips about living with and loving a senior dog

● How to identify natural signs of aging vs health problems

● Ways you and your dog can adapt to hearing and/or vision loss, incontinence, dementia…

● Creative ways to get your senior dog to eat

● Exercising a dog, even with mobility issues

● Preventing boredom

● How to give your dog medication (pills, liquid, ear drops, eye drops, injections)

● Keeping your dog warm/cool and comfortable

● Choosing a vet and ensuring you get the best care

● Quality of life issues and when to say goodbye

Even if your senior dog is not experiencing any health issues, I am here to offer a shoulder if you need someone to talk to who understands.


Rescued Senior Dog 7+ 

If you’ve just rescued a dog 7+, congratulations!! You’ve done the kindest thing you can do, giving an older dog a home.

Some rescues are well-behaved, have some (or a lot) of training and just need a refresher course and time to get used to a new home and new routine. Others have been through a lot, and sadly have the behavior and/or medical issues that go along with coming from an abusive or traumatic background.

Whatever life your dog had before, his new one starts now.

Here are some of the issues we can talk about:

Creating a routine

● Preparing your home for the new arrival (it can still be done even if your dog is already with you)

● What to expect during the first few days/weeks/months

● Developing trust

● Common behaviors you may see, and how to deal with them

● Training tailored to what your dog does and does not already know – i.e. walking nicely on a leash, come, look at me, aggressive/reactive behavior (which could also be due to a physical problem)

● Keeping your senior dog comfortable

● Is it aging or something more serious

● Changes you may see as your dog gets older and what to do about them

● Symptoms to look out for that may indicate a health problem


Rescue Dog 7+ Prep

Perfect for anyone who wants to get a head start before their dog comes home. Even if he or she is already home, you could still benefit from this prep session.

Not sure what supplies to buy? No idea if your pup needs a schedule or what that even means? Worried about keeping him safe both inside and outside of your home? Don’t know what to expect those first few days and nights? Have no idea where to even start to satisfy the needs of a senior dog?

We will cover these topics during this consultation, and answer any other concerns/questions you have:

  • Supplies
  • Schedules
  • Diet/nutrition
  • Toys – mental stimulation and boredom busters
  • Exercise
  • Senior dog proofing your home
  • Finding a vet/pet sitter/dog walker
  • Keeping your older dog comfortable


Anticipatory Grief

Anticipatory grief is the emotional process of mourning a loss before it actually happens. It’s traumatic and exhausting because there’s not usually a time frame. 

Here are some common thoughts people experiencing this kind of grief have:

  • Is my dog suffering?
  • How long does she have left?
  • Why didn’t I notice the symptoms sooner?
  • How will I know when it’s time? 
  • Did I do enough? Should I have done more?
  • What if I wait too long or say goodbye too soon?

The problem is, while you’re thinking or obsessing over the above questions, you’re missing out on quality time with your dog.

We talk about how you’re manifesting anticipatory grief, how to help you deal with your concerns, find ways to enjoy the moments with your dog and create happy memories that will stay with you. 


Pet Bereavement Counselling Service

Sadly, I have a lot of personal experience saying goodbye to much loved cats and dogs. I’ve experienced grief so profound I couldn’t stop crying, and wasn’t able to say my dog’s name for years. I’ve also had less severe reactions, but felt the loss just as deeply.

I also know what it’s like to not have anyone to turn to who understands, and to feel so lost and alone you don’t know how you’re ever going to feel better.

Grief doesn’t look one way, and working through it doesn’t look one way either, which is why each session is personalized to your needs.

In addition to my pet loss experience, I have a diploma as a Pet Bereavement Counsellor, I am a Certified Pet Loss Grief Support Coach and I volunteered in an online pet loss chat room.


To book one of my services, including the FREE 15 minute no obligation chat, simply fill out the contact form, leave a message on 437 855 2289 or email hpearson141@gmail.com. Be sure to let me know the issues you’re having, the time zone you’re in and some available dates and times.

I look forward to supporting you and your senior dog.

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