My Life as a Dog with Dementia

My life as a dog with dementia

My name is Red, or Rosie as my wonderful mom likes to call me, and I am a dog with dementia. Oh no, I haven’t even started my story yet and there she is with the waterworks already! This morning my mom, Hindy, decided to write a follow up post about what it’s like living … Read more

Where to Get Help Paying Your Vet Bills

Clever ways to save money at the vet

Before we welcome a senior dog into our life, we’re confident we have the necessary funds to provide him or her with the best care we can…at least we should be! Circumstances change, unexpected health issues arise, injuries happen and we find ourselves worrying about how we’re going to pay for much needed treatment. Below … Read more

20 Ways to Save Money on Vet Bills

I don’t know about you, but my vet bills are astronomical! From buying medication online and keeping an eye out for special offers, to feeding a nutritionally balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight, these are just a few ways to save money on your vet bills. I rescue old dogs with issues. What can … Read more

28 Ways to Spoil Your Old Dog

Of course we take amazing care of our senior dogs, that goes without saying. They snuggle with us when we’re feeling down, jump for joy when we walk through the door (or just wag their tail if they can’t jump!) and are the best companions ever. Sounds like they deserve a little extra pampering!! From … Read more

Why Dogs Pee In the House

Why dogs pee in the house

You walk into the house and, like radar, you zoom in on the big pee stain on your carpet. Believe me when I tell you, I’ve been there more times than I can count. If they would at least pee on your bare floors, it would be easier to clean right! How about waking up … Read more

Bucket List Ideas for Your Senior Dog

Bucket list ideas for your senior dog

We’ve given our dogs the best life possible, and when we know time is getting short we often start to think about putting together a bucket list. It’s a way for us to squeeze every last drop of joy from our relationship, and leave us with happy memories to last a lifetime.  Visiting favorite places … Read more

How to Walk an Aggressive Dog Safely

how to fix your dogs leash aggression

If your dog goes after people and other dogs while out on a walk, you need to read this article. The best way to help a dog that goes after people and other dogs on a walk is through desensitization and counter-conditioning. Desensitization involves gradual exposure to whatever brings on leash aggression, and counter-conditioning means … Read more

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